When most think about donating, they think about making a cash gift; however, there are other options. Donating appreciated stocks is simple and provides you with immediate tax benefits. Chief among these benefits is the ability to make a larger value donation than by giving cash after liquidating. You can avoid capital gains tax on the appreciated amount that you would have incurred had you sold the stock, and you get a tax deduction for the full fair market value of your long-term capital gain asset – up to 30% of your adjusted gross income.
Please use our brokerage information below when working with your broker to handle the transfer.
Hunter Associates
436 Seventh Avenue
27th Floor, Koppers Building
Pittsburgh, PA 15219
Marissa Bougades
Account Number: 4DA006202
DTC Number: 0443
We appreciate you or your broker letting us know the number and type of shares donated so we can thank you appropriately. To learn more about gifts of stock and making a lasting impact on Literacy Pittsburgh, contact Tim Richart, Literacy Pittsburgh’s Director of Development at 412-393-7633 or email trichart@literacypittsburgh.org.
Literacy Pittsburgh (formerly Greater Pittsburgh Literacy Council) helps create better lives through learning. Recognized as a national leader in adult and family literacy, Literacy Pittsburgh is the largest provider of adult basic education in Allegheny and Beaver Counties. Last year, Literacy Pittsburgh helped more than 4,000 individuals acquire the skills needed to reach their fullest potential in life and participate productively in their communities. Literacy Pittsburgh provides free, personalized instruction in workforce readiness, high school diploma test preparation, digital literacy, English language learning, math, reading, and family literacy through one-to-one and small class instruction. Founded in 1982, it serves local adults through numerous neighborhood locations and its Downtown Pittsburgh Learning Center.